We are a growing, global movement fighting for a different digital future

We believe in the original promise of the internet as a force for good.

But a small group of tech corporations have cheated us of that dream, instead constructing a toxic, online world where they exploit our private data and attention to build vast advertising empires.

While they make obscene profits, we face the devastation of a system designed to keep people scrolling at all costs – rising hate and lies, stolen childhoods, polarisation, fragmentation of society and even violence.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, we’re already shifting the dial. Because together we are stronger than any corporation… and together we’re rising up to build a better digital world.

Our three priorities

Fix Our Feeds

Hate, disinformation, division... it's not a glitch in the system, it is the system. But tech giants can design their products to be safe. We just need to make them.

Stop Surveillance For Profit

Tech corporations spy on and profile us, then exploit our vulnerabilities to build vast fortunes. It's time to dismantle the spy machinery and reclaim our rights.

Break Open Big Tech

True tech progress serves people everywhere, not just a tiny group of CEOs. We're pushing to end Big Tech's stranglehold, so we can build a different future.

Our latest campaigns



Join us and be part of a European youth campaign to make social media safer, healthier and more supportive!
[Deadline extended to July 24th]

Latest news

What we have achieved so far

We won an EU-wide ban on the use of sensitive personal data for targeted advertising

Targeted advertising is at the dark heart of big tech’s twisted business model. It means corporations slicing and dicing the most intimate details of our lives to prey on our vulnerabilities, hijack our time and sell us things we don’t need or want.

So when the pundits said we had no hope of getting action on ads into the EU’s new tech law, a powerful movement of organisations, activists, and businesses refused to listen – instead working up watertight policy proposals and launching a massive people’s advocacy push for change.

The resulting ban on using sensitive data like race and religion to target people with ads is a vital first step towards the surveillance-free future we’re determined to build for everyone.

We got the EU to prohibit targeted advertising to kids

Keeping children safe from harm is society’s most basic job. But for years, a handful of tech CEOs have had free rein to spy and experiment on our kids – to sell them stuff, addict them to dangerous products and exploit their developing brains for profit.

Now a mega movement of parents, teachers, psychologists and concerned citizens is rising up to demand a safer, more enriching online world for children. And it’s winning results, like getting MEPs to vote for a ban on insidious spy-advertising to kids in Europe.

We’re just starting to see what the determination and moral clarity of this powerful coalition can achieve. Next stop? An internet that truly meets kids’ needs.

We teamed up with Nobel Laureates to write a 10-point plan to end disinformation

Sometimes people everywhere agree, and what’s needed is a powerful rallying call to connect, unite and galvanise action. So when Nobel prize-winners Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov said they wanted to issue a global call to rein in Big Tech and support journalism, our members leapt into action – teaming up to help develop, draft and promote a compelling manifesto for change.

Launched at the Nobel Peace Center in 2022, the actionable, 10-point plan has since been endorsed by over 294 Nobel laureates, organisations and individuals around the world. It’s a vision for a different future, and the best part is it’s totally doable.

Our members got the EU Commission to investigate Meta

Getting Europe to pass a strong tech law was a major victory for this movement. But the real work is making sure that law is enforced. That’s why the digital detectives at AI Forensics hit the ground running, with a deep-dive investigation revealing how Meta is letting pro-Russia propaganda ads flood the EU, in alleged breach of the Digital Services Act.

The European Commission has since launched formal proceedings against Meta, citing AI Forensics’ research. This is accountability in action!

Civil society groups forced LinkedIn to obey the law

When LinkedIn continued to use sensitive data like sexuality or health information to target people with ads, in potential breach of the EU’s new Digital Services Act, civil society wasn’t just going to just sit back and let them. A coalition of groups, including Global Witness, EDRi, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF) and Bits of Freedom, rapidly stepped up, filing a complaint with the European Commission and ultimately forcing LinkedIn to disable this type of invasive ad targeting in the EEA.

With this and a spate of similar complaints in motion, the message to Big Tech is crystal clear: civil society won't let you get away with not complying with the law.

Our members are pushing regulators to tackle gender-biased algorithms

Tech justice and women’s rights campaigners have united in a mighty coalition to tackle the insidious challenge of discriminatory algorithms, and made vital progress pressing authorities in the Netherlands and France to take up the cause.

PvBT member Global Witness, together with Bureau Clara Wichmann in the Netherlands and Fondation des Femmes in France, submitted four complaints to national regulators based on the suspicion that Meta’s algorithms to determine which users see certain job ads discriminate against women and breach equality and data protection laws.

The Dutch Institute of Human Rights has since held a hearing on the complaint while France’s Défenseur des Droits has written “investigation letters” to Meta demanding a response. This is the first time Meta has been questioned on the issue in the EU!

People vs Big Tech is a movement formed by more than 120 organisations

"Together we’re rising up to build
a better digital world.''