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Briefing: protecting children and young people from addictive design
Research has shown the deep harm excessive social media use can do to young brains and bodies. The EU Commission must tackle the root cause.

Beyond Big Tech: A manifesto for a new digital economy
70+ orgs back bold vision for a better, fairer digital world and call on states to invest for the public good
Turn off the online Hate Megaphone
Press release from People vs Big Tech and the Hope & Courage Collective More than 240 civil society groups released an open letter on 9th August to Prime

YOUTH CAMPAIGN – applications closed.
Join us and be part of a European youth campaign to make social media safer, healthier and more supportive!
[Deadline extended to July 24th]

FIX OUR FEEDS – EU Elections 2024
In a year of critical elections, we’re asking regulators to restore public trust in information and democracy by disabling toxic recommender systems