
6 Articles

MEPs Stand Up to Big Tech with Significant DSA Vote

The European Parliament moves to curtail invasive advertising and block loopholes that would worsen vulnerability to disinformation attacks.

MEPs Must Reject "Media Exemption" Loopholes in the DSA

A proposed "media exemption" amendment will lead to greater online disinformation attacks against EU citizens.

2021: The Year of People vs Big Tech

We take a look back at the origins and key actions from our movement’s first six months – with an eye to what will happen next in 2022.

Facebook Turns to Newspaper Ads in an Attempt to Influence the DSA Debate

The tech titan has run print ads worth €6.8 million in Germany alone since European lawmakers began discussing new rules for digital platforms.

Inside Big Tech's Lobbying Playbook

A new guide sent to all MEPs reveals what Big Tech lobbyists are saying about the DSA/DMA and why it’s wrong.

Automatic Eyes on Big Tech Lobby Meetings

Recently deployed Twitter bot set to monitor Big Tech’s disproportionate access to EU legislators in the lead-up to the DSA/DMA votes.