ESC Big Tech on Black Friday – with LUSH
We've joined forces with high street brand Lush in a continuation of their Big Tech Rebellion, to raise money for our work to rein in the handful of Big Tech companies that have monopolised the Internet with intrusive surveillance, predatory addictive-algorithms, harmful content and echo chambers.
Lush online shops in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, United States, and Canada will sell a limited edition bath bomb called The Cloud, with 100% of the sales price (minus VAT) going to support People vs Big Tech campaigns.
Lush has also announced a Digital Divestment roadmap, and are committing to “push back against the stranglehold the Big Tech 5 have on our business, our families and our communities.”
As this movement grows in exciting new ways, the best way to support become a part of it! By signing the People’s Declaration, you will join our open network of concerned individuals and civil society organisations working together to challenge the power and abuses of Big Tech.
More information about Lush and their Big Tech rebellion can be found here.

Movements like People vs Big Tech...are providing a pathway to a future without surveillance advertising or predatory algorithms and putting the control back into the hands of the people.
Annabelle Baker, Global Brand Director at Lush
What can I do?

1. Sign the People's Declaration
Join the growing list of individuals and civil society organisations across the planet working together to take on the power and abuses of the Big Tech corporations.

2. Become an advocate
Help grow the movement by spreading the word! Follow and share our updates and inspire others to join the fight for a better tech future.